Eating Guide
Squash/ZucchiniSquash comes from herbaceous vines in the gourd family, producing several different types of edible vegetables. The plants squash come from have long hairy vines, large leaves, and yellow or orange flowers. Common types of squash are butternut squash... Click to read more.
SwedeSwede, also known as rutabaga, is a tuberous root vegetable and the leaves are a leaf vegetable. The root is ball shaped and white with a red skin around it.... Click to read more.
ThymeThyme is an herb used for culinary, cultural, and medicinal purposes. Thyme usually has brown stems and small green leaves.... Click to read more.
WatercressThis is a water plant that has long stems with leaves that are curved in and in an oval shape. They also produce small white flowers that are found in clusters throughout the plant... Click to read more.
Wheat GrassWheatgrass comes from the Poaceae family. It is mainly grown to be juiced and can either be drank by itself or added to another drink.... Click to read more.