Wheat Grass
Wheatgrass comes from the Poaceae family. It is mainly grown to be juiced and can either be drank by itself or added to another drink.
For Your Pet
Letting your pet roam around outside to graze on the grass can sometimes be risky, not knowing if they will accidentally eat something they aren’t supposed to. Growing your own wheatgrass in your home can be a good alternative. Wheat grass has many nutrients such as vitamins E, K, and protein. Although it can be given to your pet daily, give it to them in limited supply because it is important to give them a balanced diet that offers other nutrients.
Although it can be given to your pet daily, give it to them in limited supply because it is important to give them a balance diet that holds other nutrients such as timothy hay.
(not many other resources that talk about wheat grass for pets, must talk about it in terms of putting it into health drinks)