Eating Guide
Poison HemlockPoison Hemlock is an extremely poisonous herbaceous flowering plant with a green or green and red hollow stem, finely divided triangular leaves, and clusters of very small white flowers that branch outward from the from the center.... Click to read more.
Poison IvyPoison ivy is well known for its ability to give skin irritation, swelling, and itching due to the urushiol in its sap. Despite its name, poison ivy is actually not true ivy but a member of the cashew family. The plant is variable in looks but will a... Click to read more.
Poison OakToxicodendron diversilobum (western poison oak) can be found throughout the west coast, mostly in California, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada. Toxicodendron pubescens (eastern poison oak) can be found in the south east from Virginia to Texas. Poison o... Click to read more.
Poison sumacPoison sumac is a woody shrub or small tree found on the east coast but mostly in the southeastern United States. This plant, like poison oak and poison ivy, contain urushiol that can cause severe skin irritation, swelling, and itching. If the plant... Click to read more.
PokeweedPokeweed, also known as dragonberries, poke sallet, and American pokeweed is a herbaceous perennial plant that can grow up to ten feet tall. This plant has simple green leaves, bright or deep red stems, and long clusters called racemes of deep red, p... Click to read more.
PoppyPoppies are herbaceous flowering plants often grown for their bright and colorful flowers as well as symbols of remembrance. Although poppies can vary, many species have thin, brightly colored showy petals that die shortly after flowering. Colors of... Click to read more.
PotatoA potato is the starchy tuber of the potato plant and is root vegetable belonging to the nightshade family. The potato is used widely for culinary purposes and come in different sizes, textures, and colors.... Click to read more.
Potato EyesThe potato eyes are the white sprouts that come from the potato and grow from the body. These can be bumps on the potato or full growths on the potato. If grown, these eventually turn into root systems to grow into a potato plant.... Click to read more.
Precatory BeanAlso known as rosary pea, precatory bean is a herbaceous flowering plant in the bean family. It's a slender climbing vine with pinnate leaflets and wraps around trees and shrubs. These beans are used for instrument use, jewelry, and medicinal use in... Click to read more.
PrimrosePrimrose is a flowering plant found in Europe, northwestern Africa, and parts of Asia that blooms in early spring. The leaves are deeply wrinkled and the flowers are a soft yellow or cream color with 5 or 6 heart shaped petals.... Click to read more.
PrimulaPrimula is the genus of flowering plants containing different species of primrose, cowslip, auricula, and oxlip.... Click to read more.
PrivetPrivets are flowering plants that are talls shrubs and small trees that are found in Europe, northern Africa, and Asia. These plants have white flowers and black berries. Privets are cultivated for the use of ornamental plants, hedges, and medicinal... Click to read more.