Eating Guide
Mescal BeanThe meascalbean plant belongs to the genus Dermatophyllum, species of shrubs and small trees of the pea family native to southwestern North America. This plant has oval shaped leaves, clusters of purple flowers, and bright red beans. All parts of the... Click to read more.
MesquiteProsopis contains many different kinds of mesquite trees, often thriving in arid areas with their extremely deep roots and hard, durable wood.... Click to read more.
Milk BushAlso known as pencil tree, milk bush is a tree that grows with succulent branches that are smooth and green with small yellow flowers at the end of the branches. The tree contains latex sap, which is toxic and corrosive.... Click to read more.
MilkweedMilkweeds are herbaceous flowering plants with long, skinny leaves, clusters of tiny flowers varying in color, and white latex sap.... Click to read more.
MistletoeMistletoe is a obligate hemiparasitic plant which means this plant attaches itself to their host to extract water and nutrients in order to survive. Mistletoe has smooth, oval shaped evergreen leaves with white berries.... Click to read more.
Mock OrangeMock orange plants are shrubs that are native to northern and central America, Asia, and southeast Europe. The beautiful white flowers resemble, at first glance, flowers of a citrus tree and smell like flowers found on an orange tree. These plants ar... Click to read more.
MonkshoodAlso known as wolfs-bane, monkshood is a flowering plant found in mountainous areas. The flower resembles the name, and looks like a hood. The flowers are typically ranging in shades of purple although have been found to be cream colored, yellow, and... Click to read more.
MossMoss is a small, flowerless plant that are often found in shady and damp areas. Moss is mostly damp and soft to touch. You can find moss on the sides of shaded trees, in lawns, on rocks, and in wooded areas. Colors can range from deep green to light... Click to read more.
Most evergreensAn evergreen is a plant in which their foliage stays green through most seasons. Typically people think of evergreen trees like pine trees.... Click to read more.
MushroomsMushrooms are a fleshy fungus that usually have a stem, cap ("umbrella" part of the mushroom), and gills (the ridged underside of the cap) that produce spores. Mushrooms come is many varieties, many are edible to humans, others are extremely lethal.... Click to read more.
Mustard rootMustard root is a taproot that is bulbous at the top and tapers down, similarly shaped to a thick carrot. It has yellow green frilly leaves and green stems. Mustard root is used for culinary purposes for its mustard like flavor.... Click to read more.
NandinaNandina is a species of flowering plant native to eastern Asia and commonly found as an ornamental plant in gardens. These plants leaves vary in color depending on growth and season, ranging from a light green to a deep red, and has long, thick branc... Click to read more.