Eating Guide
Ribbon PlantRibbon plant, more commonly known as spider plant, is a very common house plant found in various parts of the world. These plants have very long, skinny green leaves, typically with a white stripe down the middle, and white flowers that grow up the s... Click to read more.
ScheffleraSchefflera is a genus of flowering trees and shrubs native to Taiwan. Schefflera is also known as dwarf umbrella tree as seven to nine leaflets grow from the tip of the stems and fan out, resembling an umbrella. The clusters of small flowers that gro... Click to read more.
Silver PothosAlso known as satin pothos and silver vine, silver pothos is a species of evergreen flowering plant native to parts of Asia and is found as a houseplant in many parts of the world. The plant can grow up to ten feet tall. Its matte green leaves have v... Click to read more.
Split Leaf PhilodendronThis plant has large glossy leaves that have a spade shape with slits up the leaf. The leaves are seen as a dark green.... Click to read more.
String of PearlsThe string of pearls plant is a creeping succulent vine in the daisy family native to southwest Africa. This plant avoids sunlight by growing in shady spots and under other plants or rocks. String of pearls have small balls of leaves trailing down th... Click to read more.
Swiss Cheese PlantA large plant that can grow to be 30 feet with large leaves that are heart shaped with slits or holes in them. The fruits of the plant are close to a foot long. They are green and have hexagonal scales as a skin.... Click to read more.
Taro VineTaro Vine, also known as Devil's Ivy, is a plant commonly found as an indoor plant, with glossy green and yellow leaves.... Click to read more.
Tree PhilodendronTree Philodendron is a large plant native to South America, but has been introduced around the world for ornamental purposes. These plants have large, deeply lobed leaves, sometimes being mistaken for a Monstera plant. The leaves grow off of a thick,... Click to read more.
Umbrella PlantSchefflera is a genus of flowering trees and shrubs native to Taiwan. Schefflera is also known as umbrella tree or umbrella plant and has seven to nine leaflets grow from the tip of the stems and fan out, resembling an umbrella. The clusters of small... Click to read more.
Weeping FigWeeping fig, commonly known as ficus, is a type of flowering tree. Known for its dropping branches and glossy leaves, it is a favorite to dove species. These are also one of the most popular house plants.... Click to read more.