Eating Guide
Apple and Pear pipsOtherwise known as apple and pear seeds.... Click to read more.
Balsam pearThe fruit has a very bumpy exterior with a long oval shape. The color of the fruit is usually eaten with a green exterior but is also eaten as it begins to change to yellow. The skin of the fruit is crunchy like a cucumber with a juicy interior.... Click to read more.
Bitter CherryThe bitter cherry plants fruit is either red or purple with a bitter taste. they have oval shaped leaves, thin, and look a lighter green mixed with yellow. the bitter cherry has a white flower that produces the fruit.... Click to read more.
Cherry Pits and TreeThe pits from the cherries are hard and a light brown when washed off from the cherry stains.... Click to read more.
MangoMangoes are an edible stone fruit with a mixture of green, yellow, and red skin. This fruit contains a large seed surrounded by sweet yellow fruit.... Click to read more.
Stone Fruit PitsA stone fruit, also known as a drupe, is a fruit that has a fleshy exterior that surrounds a pit or seed. Fruits that classify as this is peaches, cherries, apricots, along with others.... Click to read more.
Tomato LeavesThe tomato is a plump, red fruit plant that grows on vines, edible to your small pet. However, your pet should never consume the glandular-hairy stem and leaves of a tomato. While rabbits are primarily leaf eaters, tomato leaves are poisonous to your... Click to read more.