
Yew Photo
Outdoor Plants
Health Rating
Latin Name
Taxus baccata


Yew plants are small- to medium-sized evergreen trees, with thin scaly bark that flakes off into small pieces. Its dark green leaves are long, broad, and flat. All parts of the yew tree, with the exception of the yew
berry, are toxic to humans and many animals. However, the seed inside the berry is toxic. Even the pollen that is released from these plants is toxic.

For Your Pet

Your pet should avoid eating any part of the yew plant, as they are very toxic plants.

Alkaloid taxine is the major toxin in the yew plant. Symptoms of poisoning include accelerated heart rate, muscle tremors, convulsions, collapse, difficulty breathing, and heart attack. Milder symptoms may include headaches, lethargy, aching joints, itching, and skin
rashes. Poisoning may show no symptoms, and death can occur within a few hours if it goes undetected.


Yew plants are poisonous to your small pet. Never feed yew leaves to your pet.


If you believe that your pet has been poisoned, immediately call your vet or one of the animal poison control hotlines on this list.
