Skunk Cabbage

Skunk Cabbage Photo
Outdoor Plants
Health Rating
Latin Name
Symplocarpus foetidus


Skunk cabbage is a plant that grows around wetlands and constant moist places typically in the eastern parts of North America. This plants fragrance resembles the stench of a skunk, hence the name. The red or yellow flower is slightly pitcher shaped and sits right above the ground, atop the broad, flat leaves.

For Your Pet

Skunk cabbage plants contain calcium oxalate crystals which are extremely harmful when ingested. Although this plant is not safe eat, we doubt your rabbit, guinea pig, chinchilla, or other small pet will feel inclined to nibble on this plant due to it’s powerful stench.


Do not feed your pet skunk cabbage as it can cause serious illness.


If you believe that your pet has been poisoned immediately call your vet or one of the animal poison control hotlines on this list.
