Rosary Pea

Rosary Pea Photo
Outdoor Plants
Health Rating
Latin Name
Abrus precatorius


Also known as precatory bean, rosary pea is a herbaceous flowering plant in the bean family. It’s a slender climbing vine with pinnate leaflets and wraps around trees and shrubs. These beans are used for instrument use, jewelry, and medicinal use in many different cultures. The beans are bright red and black, resembling a ladybug.

For Your Pet

Rosary pea plants contain the toxin abrin and is poisonous to humans, horses, and small pets if ingested. Symptoms may include, nausea, abdominal pain, convulsions, liver failure, and death.


Do not feed your pet rosary peas as it can cause serious illness and possible death.


If you believe that your pet has been poisoned immediately call your vet or one of the animal poison control hotlines on this list.
